Speech Tips

Easy tips to speech :

1. Instill self-confidence
Remove all negative thoughts that you would feel embarrassed when in public. Build the inner strength to control the fear and stress when suddenly you are required to be MC at an event in the office. Remember, not everybody gets a chance to perform and is known by many people.

2. Share experiences
You feel not quite satisfied with the ability to talk is accompanied by body language that you have. No problem, get together with people who also want to learn and share knowledge and experience will be the best teacher for you.

3. Training on various occasions
Never reject an offer when you get a chance to perform in public. Starting from the presentation in front of the class, guiding events in the office until a speaker is able to inspire many people. Expand your experience with more practice hours.

4. Shown as it is
Once you gain enough confidence in control. Rest assured that only you understand and are able to control yourself. Avoid your effort to be someone else let alone use words that you think it would be funny. Try to look like yourself.

After his appearance, every community member in attendance was also given the opportunity to have appeared. They brought the topic written on paper taken in a glass containing rolls of paper with a different topic. Then, they are required to bring the theme spontaneously.


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