Carrot Can Prevent You from Senility
Recent findings indicate that carrots good for your brain to stay young. Researchers from the University of Illinois shows regularly eating carrots help delay cognitive aging, such as thinking, remembering and logic.
The compound luteolin became his hero. Compounds also are found in olive oil, paprika, celery, peppermint, rosemary and chamomile reduces inflammation of the brain that causes memory problems associated with increasing age.
"Previously we found, during aging, microglial cells decreased and began producing excessive inflammatory sitokon. This contributes to cognitive aging and the cause of the development of neurodegenerative disease (decreased function of nerve cells)," Rodney Johnson.
These results are tested using a mouse. In adult mice, the intake of luteolin shown to contribute to memory problems.
"When we give luteolin in rats, this substance reduces inflammation in the brain significantly. At the same time, the memory also works for the better. In fact, the quality of memory is the same as the old rat brains of young mice," explained researcher Rodney Johnson told through Healthdaynews (2/8).
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